Thank you all who supported the sushi sale. It sold like hot cakes and we actually ran out. We had to take the Sushi sale sign down because more people with out tickets were wanting to buy than we had extra to sell. Sorry to those of you who wasn't able to get any. Don't feel bad, I didn't even get any. Thank you most of all to Maricel. She did everything herself. I was amazed at how she was able to put it all together. Staying up late the night before preparing everything, then waking up at 4:00am. Friday morning to cook the rice and put it all together. I made several trips from the store to the house to pick up the sushi as they were being readied. Each time I showed up, she was there smiling, and made it seem like it was no big deal. Also thanks to Garrick for collecting the money and keeping everything organized. To my mom for coming to the store to help since we were short handed (Ralph and Carol were gone), and to my sister Eve for helping with the sale and everything else.
Well hopefully the weather will clean up this coming week so I can get some much needed mileage in. Thank you again for checking up on me. Have a great week, Aloha, Ted.
Front of Ticket