Day 25, Buffalo to Ruff River. Entering Amish country. 61.5 miles. Total 1025.1miles.
Today was the nicest day so far. At least in my opinion. We left Buffalo before 9:00AM. The cabin we stayed in was a replica of what they think Abe Lincoln and his family lived in. Last night, Lisa went out side and encountered a wild beast of some sort. She couldn’t make out what it was, cause it5 was dark. What ever it was, was trying to get at our food in the cooler I carry on the trailer. It let out a shrieking scream as Lisa approached. Lisa in return, screamed herself. I didn’t bother to go see what was up, I thought she scared a cat or something. In the morning, we found out from the park people that it was just a raccoon. Sorry, no pictures of that.
The sky was clear, hard to believe, that just yesterday it was cold and miserable. What a difference a day makes. We both headed down the road with a totally new attitude about the ride. There was no place to eat near the park, so we decided to stop along the way. About 12 miles into our ride, we found a Subway located at an Interstate truck stop. If you’ve never been to one of these truck stops, it’s like an air port for trucks. The place is a bee hive of activity. There are stores, food places, fuel depots, a rest area complete with picnic tables, and a constant flow of traffic moving in and out of the place. Kind of neat. I had myself a breakfast sandwich, and watched as all the activity unfolded around me. We left the truck stop full and content. With in minutes, we ran into Bob. A touring cyclist from New York, doing Yorktown to San Francisco. We talked a bit. His wife is driving a support vehicle so he can go further in a day. He’s looking to do the whole thing in about 9or 10 weeks. A short time later, we met Sally. Bob’s wife. She heard we would be along from Bob who had been by earlier. Sally had done the TransAm three years ago, and was happy to help Bob out with the driving. They are both retired, so time was no big deal.
The terrain today was mostly flat, with some rolling sections, and one really steep, but short climb. I am tempted to say that it was the steepest hill so far. Once that was over, it was more of the same open, rolling terrain. We could have gone a lot further today if we wanted, but Ruff River State Recreation Area is a really nice place. There is a dam that forms a lake where I hear they have very good cat fish and bass fishing. We are at the camp ground, about a mile from the lodge where we will go for dinner. They have wifi there. So with any luck, I’ll be able to update my blog and check my e-mail.
We crossed the time zone a few miles back. We are now on Central time. We also made the 1000 mile mare early this after noon. Please continue to pray for us. We think about all of you back home, and am so glad we are able to share our experiences with you. Thank you, and Aloha, Ted.