Day 61, Hot Sulphur Springs to Walden, Colorado, “High Plains & Mountain Passes”. 62.32 miles
This morning saw temperatures in the low forties. I got up just before five, and put on extra warm cloths. The sun was still behind the mountains, but the sky was already lighted. I started getting my things together thinking that we would get an early breakfast, and come back to the room to finish packing for an early start. The only problem was, nothing in Hot Sulphur Springs opened till 7 o’clock.
By the time we finally got rolling, it was well after 8. The sun was high above the horizon, and the temperature had risen into the upper 50”s. I didn’t need any of the cold weather gear now, so I had put them back into my pack. It was a beautiful morning. Clear skies, light traffic, and the scenery was magnificent. I always manage to find the time to thank our Lord above for these special moments. I realize now more than ever before, that life doesn’t come by chance. It is by Divine guidance that we are blessed with so much good in our lives. I also believe that the more you appreciate what is so graciously given to us, the more you become aware of the blessings that are come our way. That leave little time for complaining and negativity on our part. I wish more people would understand that. Anyway, as we headed north on route 40, we were rewarded by some of natures grandest sights. I must tell you, I enjoy Colorado more than any of the other states we have come across so far.
A few miles out of town, we turned on to route 128, this was even better. Hardly any traffic at all. The sign on our right read, “Moose In The Area”. How cool was that, we were going to see moose. This is where the climbing starts. Throughout the day, we would have climbed roughly 3,500 feet in total elevation gain. The scenery was so spectacular throughout the ride, that the climbing really didn’t bother us at all. They were never steep climbs. According to my GPS, we averaged about 20 feet per minute on these climbs. None exceeding more than about a five percent grade. The valleys opened up into wide expanses bordered by tree covered mountains with streams that snaked their way through marshes and washes. I enjoyed every minute of our journey.
Our biggest climb today came at Willow Creek Pass, at 9,621 feet. It intersected the Great Divide. There we met a group of motor cycle tourist who were headed east. They were very nice folks, and we spent about 20 minutes talking with them and checking out their bikes. They all had big Harleys, and Lisa spoke their lingo. We offered to take their pictures, and they took ours. it was all good. After that, it was mostly down hill to the high desert plains where the last 20 or so miles were relatively flat, with a slight head wind just to make things interesting. I never saw any moose, but we are told that Walden is the moose capital of Colorado. So tomorrow we might have our chance.
At 40 miles into the ride, we stopped in the town of Rand for lunch, The map said that there is a restaurant and a gas station here. Wrong! All there was, was The Rand Store that sold mostly books and collectable items. They did have cold drinks and snacks. So lunch today was soda and potato chips. After leaving Rand, we made a bee line for Walden. I don’t think we stopped even once. We pulled into Rand at about 5 o’clock. About 45 minutes before a thunder storm moved in. How lucky was that? Or maybe it wasn’t luck at all. Remember the thing about being thankful? I think so…………………….. Tonight we are at the north Park Inn and Suite. In a beautiful brand new wing that is only 4 weeks old.
Tomorrow we will be in Saratoga, Wyoming. Bye bye Colorado, we will miss your beauty. Good night, Ted.