Day 60, Dillon to Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado. “Rocky Mountain High”. 60.79 miles.
The Rocky Mountains Offer a variety of out door activities. No where else on our trip did we see so many people out and about, than we have seen here in Colorado. Weather it be cycling, hiking, boating, you name it. The people here know how to take advantage of this beautiful natural play ground. Everywhere you look, there seems to be eye popping scenery, the likes we have never seen in Kansas, just one state over.
We left Dillon pretty early, thanks to the
Continental Breakfast at the Super 8. Although it was a bit nippy, I elected to ride with just my normal jersey and bike shorts. I knew that it would heat up soon enough, and didn’t want to hassle with taking stuff off while riding………………… We made our way down to route 9 that would take us right all the way into Kremmling with a spur on to route 30 around the Great Mountain Reservoir. As we turned onto route 30, we were rewarded by breath taking scenery of the lake and surrounding area. We encountered several elderly bikers out on pleasure rides. Route 30 has almost no traffic, and the road was is very good condition. We saw deer in the wild on a few occasions, amazing animals when seen in the wild. Once back on route 9, the traffic picked up intensely, forcing us to get completely off the road several times when these big RV’s would come flying by taking up the whole road. It was like that for about 16 or 17 miles.
We stopped in Kremmling and had lunch at an authentic Mexican restaurant. I had the Enchiladas, and left the place stuffed, but still able to ride. It was just 16 mile to Ho Sulphur Springs, our destination for the day. We took a right going north on route 40. It had less traffic, but still no shoulder. There were very little hills today, so we were able to maintain a fairly moderate average speed. We rode though a gorge that had been cut to accommodate a railroad, as well as highway traffic. They did not make provisions for cyclists, so once again, we were forced off the road for our own safety when ever these large RV’s came by. Tonight we are at the Ute Trail Motel here in Hot Sulphur Springs. Tomorrow we will try to make it to Walden, about 61 miles. Thank you all for staying with us. Aloha, Ted.
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