Today is Monday, I was so busy yesterday that I forgot all about up my weekly update. Being that it's so close to leaving, there are other things that come up that you just don't think about. It's hard to explain, and I'm not sure if anyone is even interested. Not bad things, just more things. Anyway, the past week only saw about 75 miles of bike miles. I try real hard to make time, but it's hard. One thing that most of you reading this might not realize, is that an advanced cyclist like myself takes longer to prepare for a ride. The pre-ride bike check, suiting up (Bibs, sun block, gloves, helmet, clipless cycling shoes, water, energy supplements & road tools, etc.). This ritual alone can take up to a half hour. Then there's the post ride ritual ( cleaning of the bike, re lube, adjust whatever to make sure the thing is ready for next time, hand washing cycling cloths, shower, etc), can take and additional 30 to 40 minutes. Sometimes the ritual is as long as the rides. So if the ride is less than an hour (about 20 miles), I usually just don't go. It just doesn't make sense.
Today is our "Pedal For Hope" Sushi sale at "Take's Variety Store" Lisa and I will be there handing out the sushi and thanking people for supporting us to help the local community with the fundraiser. Many, many thanks again to Maricel for all her hard work. This is truly an amazing person. My nephew is one lucky man.
Some of my class mates gave me a send off up in Ranch Camp. Since it was a spur of the moment thing, only a few were able to make it. The impotent, I mean important ones were there. We had "Choke grinds!" Thanks guys, I'll be thinking about all of you on my journey.
Tomorrow the bikes and trailers go out. There was a change in plans. We decided to upgrade to 3-day air instead of ground. This upgrade was strongly recommended by someone who knows, and has seen the condition bike boxes are in by the time they reach their destination. Thanks for that bit of information dude. Don't worry, I won't say who you are. By the way, how's Liz?
Well, this will be the last update while still on Molokai unless something comes up that needs to be relayed. Thank you all for being a part of this dream of ours. Lisa and I feel very blessed with friends and family like you.
Aloha kakou till next time, Ted.