Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Personal Invitation.

“Aloha Molokai”

This is your personal invitation to participate in the best fund raiser any organization could possibly have. Targeted mainly at schools, churches, humanitarian, and needy, non-profit organizations. This fund raiser will work! You will be able to tap into a whole new world of resources. Depending on who you know, and how well you implement this drive, the opportunity for generating funds are virtually endless. Other than a few dollars in printing costs, and a few phone calls, this fund raiser will costs you nothing. The advantage to this fund raiser, is that there is no start up cost involved. Nothing to sell, buy, or order. And funds are not limited to what you can generate here on Molokai. If you have friends and loved ones abroad, they are all potential targets for generating funds.
Start up is simple. All you need to do, is plan your strategy, print a convincing and informative letter describing the source of the fund raiser (using information included with this invitation), and make pledge sheets. How much you want to make is up to you. Your students, church members, etc. will be responsible for collecting signatures, and follow up after the goal has been met.
“Please!” only reputable and community minded organizations are asked to participate. This is not a “Get rich quick scheme”. Our intentions are honest, and so should yours be as well. Our responsibility ends at this invitation and reaching our goal. We will not, and can not be held responsible for situations out of our control. Such as sickness, injury or death, just to name a few.
We want to make a difference in our community. Give hope and inspiration to those in need, and bring us closer together as God’s children. Molokai is truly a special place. We wouldn’t trade her for any other place on earth.
Please act responsibly. The sooner you get started, the greater your results will be here on Molokai. There are only so many of us living here. Any pledge is better than no pledge. And no pledge does not necessarily mean you can not seek alternatives elsewhere. Use your imagination, with a little thought, you could be very successful.

Good luck, and God Bless, Ted Kanemitsu, and Lisa Davis.

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