Day 64, Rawlins, Wyoming. “Rest Day” 2.91 miles.
Tuesday, July 14. Rawlins is a windy town. When I say windy, I mean windy. On a normal day, wind gusts up to 50 miles an hour is a normal occurrence here. No one seems to bat an eye at this relentless situation. Everyone we asked, said it was nothing. I can imagine when it gets really bad. Upon assessing the situation, Lisa and I decided to change our plans of a 125 mile day tomorrow. We were hoping to by pass the town of Jeffery City, but because of the strong head winds, we decided best to stay there for the night, in spite of all the negative comments we’ve heard about the place.
Today is a rest day. We chose Rawlins because it is the last large town we will come across for a few days. We thought this would be a good place to unwind, take in a movie, see the sights, and maybe even take in a game of bowling………………… We slept in late this morning, and didn’t have breakfast until 9 o’clock. We then jumped on our bikes and headed down town to see what we could find. The lady at the restaurant told us about the old Rawlins State Penitentiary that was now a museum not far away that offered guided tours. We went inside, and decided to take the tour. It was very interesting indeed. I’ve never been in a jail cell other than the time I was arrested in Colorado while in the air force for smoking pot. This was different, these inmates spent more than just one night crammed into a four man cell with a dozen drunks and dope smokers. They spent a good part of their live here.
After our tour, we decided to have lunch somewhere. We rode to the business district and found Sanford's, a pub with a restaurant. I ordered a burger and fries with a cold drink. I was a very big burger, I couldn’t finish the whole thing. By then we were ready to head back to the motel to unwind. On the way back, we stopped at the Family Dollar store to stock up for tomorrow’s ride. There are no facilities in between. Tomorrow we try for Jeffery City. An old Uranium mining community that fell when the Chernobyl incident happened. Thanks for tuning in, we appreciate all the moral support. Ted.
Hi Ted, I've been trying to reach you guys, but all I have is your blog address, no real email. I have a little geocaching adventure for you tomorrow, just outside of Rawlins!
Check out 41°54"13.3" , -107°17'31.3" or, if you prefer decimal, 41.9036944, -107.2920277
I left a little message for you there! Look in a bush, between the fence and the sign!
- Fabian
Fabian, It's
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