Friday, April 24, 2009

Bikes and equipment ready to ship.

This is just a short update to let you all know that the bikes and trailers are boxed and ready for the journey. They will be sent FedEx on May the first. It sure seems like a lot of stuff, I haven't weighed them yet cause I don't have a scale, but I'm guessing the three boxes are about 150 pounds total. And that's not counting our personal gear. We won't know for sure what the actual load we will be carrying till the day we leave Yorktown. Some of the stuff will get shipped back home once we get set up. Some tools, travel packs, and and what ever else we feel is not necessary. Since this is our first attempt at something like this, I'm sure we will find out with in a couple of weeks what works and what doesn't. So there's a chance that we will be sending back more stuff through the mail when the time comes.

My brother Ralph lent me this neat little net book. It runs Windows XP, so I was able to load all my GPS stuff along with the other programs I will be using that my other net book running Linux could not. I can't believe that something this small can do so much. Good stuff.

Thanks for checking in. Aloha, Ted.

Bikes and trailers, boxed and ready to go.

Pokahu, he watched as I packed. It's almost as if he knows I'll be leaving for a while. I wish I could take him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's what we call "suitcase face". Good luck and happy riding, Ted and Lisa!

Renee and David