Sunday, April 19, 2009

Update for week 3 of April

From my secret spot I took this shot.
April 18, 2009

Aloha everybody,

Boy, time sure seems to fly, the closer we get to departure. It seems almost surreal. I find myself scrambling to take care of last minute details that just a few weeks ago seemed like I had all the time in the world to deal with. It's hard to believe, but we start packing our gear next week already. My family has been very supportive of this en devour. They actually took it upon themselves to hold a couple of sushi sale fund raisers on our behalf. The community has also been very supportive. Between Lisa and I, we have collected over $3000.00 from friends and family. We didn't ask for a penny of it, they just wanted to make sure that Molokai was well represented as we traveled. It really is nice. Now we can plan on a little more comfort when the need arises.

This past week saw some of the windiest weather yet. Riding in these high winds can be a little tricky, and toiling to say the least. You actually get more of a work out battling the winds than you normally would. The end of the week was easy as the wind subsided, bringing the temperatures up. I covered just under 130 miles cumulating in a 43 miler today. Once our bikes are shipped, I will concentrate mainly on road biking for fun.
My brother Ralph and his wife Carol took my mom on the Celebrity Millennium cruise last week. they went to Auckland New Zea land, and will island hop all the way back to Hawaii. It's a three week trip, and will be back on Molokai a few days before my departure. They are all old school, no e-mail, so I haven't been in touch with them since they left.
Things are slowly falling into place, and hopefully we will have a smooth transition. My daughter Krystal will meet Lisa and I at the Williams burg air port and spend the first day or two with us. She'll be vacationing in Virginia Beach. It'll be nice seeing her there and having a car to take in the scenery before hitting the road.
Thank you for your support, have a great week. Aloha, Ted.

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