Our home and stagging post.

Lisa, Ted, and Fabian. We met Fabian this morning. He saw us putting together our bikes and came over to chat. Come to find out, He is also doing the Trans-Am. We were very excited and invited him to join us. He is from Oregon and writes programs for a satellite imaging company that supplies Google Earth with data. He also is pulling a trailer.

Ted, Krystal, and Anthony. Krystal and Anthony were a great help in helping us get around. We wouldn't know what to do with out their help.

The bike all set up and ready to roll.

This interesting character popped up on my bed just as I was ready to call it a night. Cute little bugger.

Lisa busy updating her blog. Go Lisa!
Happy Mother's Day Mom! And to all you other mother's out there also. Today Krystal and Anthony came back to help shuttle us around to shop for more needed items. We went to Walmart and picked up food and a small cooler for ice and stuff. We had lunch at a great Chinese place that had not only good food, but the price was even better. We will have the left overs for dinner. After a full day of running around, it was back to the Travel Lodge to finish setting up the bikes. We are now ready, and will have the whole day tomorrow to relax and do some sight seeing before the big day Tuesday. The manager at the Travel Loldge was one of the necest guys you could ever meet. He just about bent over backwards to make sure that all of our needs were met. He earned himself a bag of Molokia Coffee. So far, everything is going as planned, and we see no problem as of yet. Thank you all for your prayers, they are deeply appreciated. We love you all.
Aloha, Ted.
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